Day 85: 31 May

On the sixth and final night of the World Athletics U20 Championships Cali 22, the US 4x400m team was ready to put on a show as the last women’s track final of the competition.

Shawnti Jackson in action at the World Athletics U20 Championships Cali 22


Shawnti Jackson, a 17-year-old from North Carolina, showed complete determination as she took the baton from her teammate Mekenze Kelley and launched into the second leg of the relay. She made closing the gap behind Germany and Canada look easy, and then she broke ahead, finishing almost 10 metres ahead of the field and laying the groundwork for USA’s Akala Garrett and Roisin Willis to bring the team an exciting runaway win.

Shawnti’s father and coach, Bershawn Jackson, cheered from the stands. Bershawn knew exactly what Shawnti’s success meant – not just because he is his daughter’s coach, but because he was once in her shoes.

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Day 84: 30 May

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Day 83: 29 May

In many ways, Jan Swinhoe is a trailblazer. Athletics Australia’s first female President in its 124 year history should be celebrated for being just that on this International Women’s Day, but her pioneering prowess long outdates its acknowledgement.

Raised in country New South Wales whilst attending a state school, Swinhoe had not exactly shot out of the blocks en route to becoming a high-achieving director. A flat-footed standing start had to suffice, but the savvy Swinhoe was quick to muster momentum.

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Day 82: 28 May

Vice-championne d’Europe à Munich, Rénelle Lamote a décroché cet été sa troisième médaille d’argent continentale en plein air. Une récompense au parfum bien différent des précédentes, tant la demi-fondeuse du Racing Multi Athlon a changé de vie et de philosophie. Pour Athlétisme Magazine, elle revient sur le travail de longue haleine réalisé avec sa psychologue pour s’émanciper des clichés.

Renelle Lamote


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Day 81: 27 May

Mistryně světa a olympijská medailistka v trojskoku Šárka Kašpárková o víkendu obdržela od ČOV cenu Věry Čáslavské. Stala se její osmou laureátkou, po Barboře Špotákové již druhou z řad atletiky.

Atletickou kariéru ukončila v roce 2006, o tři roky později se ještě coby basketbalistka k vrcholovému sportu vrátila. Jako sportovní manažerka školního projektu Sazka Olympijský víceboj Českého olympijského výboru teď touží po jediném.
 „Chceme děti naučit, aby se sport stal součástí jejich života,“ řekla Šárka Kašpárková, bronzová olympijská medailistka v trojskoku z Atlanty 1996. Kašpárková se nyní stala osmou laureátkou Ceny Věry Čáslavské, kterou uděluje Český olympijský výbor za mimořádné zásluhy žen ve sportu a olympijském hnutí.

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Day 80: 26 May

There was little mention of Sharon Lokedi in the pre-race coverage of the 2022 TCS New York City Marathon.

Sharon Lokedi on her way to winning the New York City Marathon


It was understandable, too. She was a marathon debutante who was due to line up against winners of global titles and big city races.

But the 2018 NCAA 10,000m champion surprised many when she beat the high-quality field, emerging victorious at the World Athletics Platinum Elite Label marathon in 2:23:23 in what was her first race over the distance.

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Day 79: 25 May

Η Τατιάνα Γκούσιν συνηθίζει να πηγαίνει …κόντρα στα προγνωστικά, ιδιαίτερα όταν οι συνθήκες μοιάζουν να μην είναι με το μέρος της. Η έμπειρη άλτρια του ύψους, παρά τα διαχρονικά προβλήματα τραυματισμών, καταφέρνει να παραμένει σε υψηλό επίπεδο και να διεκδικεί συμμετοχή σε μεγάλες διοργανώσεις. Κάτι ανάλογο πέτυχε και τη φετινή χρονιά, παρότι ξεκίνησε με έναν μέτριο χειμώνα, Η αθλήτρια κατέκτησε το ασημένιο μετάλλιο στο ύψος στους Μεσογειακούς Αγώνες του Οράν με 1,90 μ. πετυχαίνοντας ρεκόρ σεζόν, πέρασε το ίδιο ύψος στο Παγκόσμιο του Όρεγκον, όπου έχασε για μία θέση την πρόκριση στον τελικό, ενώ ήταν παρούσα στον τελικό του Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος του Μονάχου.

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Day 78: 24 May

La Federación Venezolana de Atletismo comunicó el fallecimiento –a sus 82 años- de una de sus históricas deportistas: Gisela Vidal. Residía actualmente en Isla Margarita, Nueva Esparta.

Fue la primera atleta en venezolana en alcanzar una medalla en las competencias femeninas de los Juegos Panamericanos, al consagrarse subcampeona de salto en largo en Winnipeg (1967) con un registro de 6,20 metros, que representó el récord sudamericano, mejorando en 3 cm. el que ostentaba la argentina Mabel Farina. Dicha marca permaneció por más de tres décadas como récord nacional.

Gisela fue la máxima exponente femenina del atletismo venezolano en esa década, en simultáneo con las grandes actuaciones que los representantes masculinos –sobre todo en velocidad- lograban en ese momento, en la recordada generación dorada de su país.

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Day 77: 23 May

Former world and European triple jump champion Olha Saladukha has formally retired from athletics at the age of 38.

But the Ukrainian is still keeping herself involved in athletics. Saladukha said goodbye and passed the baton to the next generation at the ‘White Panther Cup’ in Kyiv on Saturday (22), a competition which she helped to organise. 

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Day 76: 22 May

Hoe trainen onze beste atleten? En hoe vaak trainen ze? Welke training doen ze graag? De antwoorden op dat soort vragen vind je in onze reeks ‘Door de muur’. Vandaag aan het woord: spurtbom Rani Rosius.

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Day 75: 21 May

The second in a series of gender leadership podcasts features Hayley Harrison, who has coached in Ireland for more than 25 years.

Coach Hayley Harrison with Irish 400m hurdler Thomas Barr


Based at the University of Limerick, Harrison works for Sport Ireland as a coach development and education officer, responsible for coach development programmes and high performance coach support programmes. She is probably best known for coaching Irish 400m hurdler Thomas Barr, who has competed at European, world and Olympic level, winning bronze at the 2018 European Championships in Berlin.

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Day 74: 20 May

Here is our feature with USATF athlete Michelle Edgar, member of the Southern California Association from Santa Monica, California.

"The USATF Masters Outdoor Championships was a very important milestone both in my life and athlete journey as it brought tears of joy to us both.

"Together with my coach, we not only accomplished our goals but surpassed what we set out to do and earned my second All-American title in the 100 meters and PRed, placing sixth in the finals dropping seven tenths since my last race in June at the Olympic Training Center. In one year of competing (this being my eighth race), I’ve achieved two All-American titles in the 60 and 100 meters in six months."

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Day 73: 19 May

La heptatleta Camila “La Pantera Guaraní” Pirelli se consagró vice campeona en la prueba de heptatlón en el Campeonato Iberoamericano de Alicante, España, el evento fue realizado este fin de semana. Pirelli logró la suma de 5808 puntos, estuvo a menos de cien puntos de su récord nacional.


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Day 72: 18 May

Atletický rok 2022 byl pro Dorotu Skřivanovou beze sporu průlomový. Jak se naše současná vícebojařská jednička ohlíží za letošní sezónou, ve které zaznamenala velký výkonnostní progres, úspěšné vystoupení na HMS, ale i zklamání na mistrovství Evropy v Mnichově.

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Day 71: 17 May

Tara Davis: "My Dad used to always tell me track was 90% mental and 10% physical. At the time I was young, about 12, and I never really understood what he meant. I never had any mental struggles.

"They all came later – when I went to college.

Tara Davis


"Why did it start? Many reasons. Part of it had to do with pressure from coaches and family, and just life itself. Coming out of high school, I was on top, but my first year of college I fell behind.

"Why am I not on top? I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing. Why is it not translating?

"I got injury after injury and, after a while, I was like: What is the purpose of all this?

"Track and field was my world, and I wasn't performing. I wasn’t able to do what I loved, and that just put me under. Between coaching issues, difficulties in transferring colleges and trying to start again, making new friends, it started to feel like I didn’t know what life was."

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Day 70: 16 May

La révélation Werkuha Getachew a une fois de plus marqué l’histoire de son pays après avoir offert à l’Éthiopie sa première médaille d’argent des Championnats du monde en Oregon sur 3000m steeple féminin.

Werkuha Getachew competes in Oregon


La championne d’Afrique en titre n’a pas déçu. Elle a su rivaliser avec les deux meilleures performeuses de la saison Winfred Yavi de Bahreïn et Norah Jeruto du Kazakhstan, établissant un nouveau record national en 8’54’’61. 

La jeune femme de 26 ans, originaire de Gelemso, dans la zone Mirab Hararghe en Éthiopie orientale, était tout sourire après la course, dédiant sa médaille au continent africain tout entier.

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Day 69: 15 May

Valentina ist eine schillernde Person. Ihre Karriere als Kugelstoßerin begann in der Sowjetunion. Sie war ukrainische Meisterin und wurde 1999 österreichische Staatsbürgerin.

Valentina zählte zu den weltbesten Kugelstoßerinnen und nahm dreimal an Olympischen Spielen teil. Sie hält die österreichischen Rekorde im Freien und in der Halle. Heute managt sie Athleten rund um den Globus und ist seit heuer Präsidentin der European Masters Athletics. Herbert Winkler hat sie interviewt.

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Day 68: 14 May

When Sada Williams thinks about what she achieved this season, the 24-year-old knows it could have long-lasting significance for the next generation of athletes in Barbados.

Sada Williams in 400m action at the World Athletics Championships Oregon22


“It definitely is an example to the other ones coming up that even though we’re from a little island, we can do big things,” she says. “It’s a great feeling to be an example.”

Williams’ story is not simply that of a gifted sprinter fulfilling her talent, becoming, as she did, the first Barbadian woman ever to win a medal at the World Athletics Championships when taking 400m bronze in Oregon. It’s also a story of an athlete navigating the notoriously difficult path from the underage to senior, overcoming injuries and making a tough choice to leave her nation behind to ultimately get where she wanted to be.

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Day 67: 13 May

Anlässlich des Weltfrauentags war DLV-Chefbundestrainerin Annett Stein am Dienstag beim Fernsehsender “Sky Sport News“ zu Gast und sprach dabei über die Rolle von Frauen im Spitzensport.

„Als ich jung war, dachte ich, dass wir das mit der Gleichberechtigung in ein paar Jahren erreicht haben. Wir sind heute weiter, aber immer noch nicht weit genug. Frauen werden in vielen beruflichen Bereichen schlechter behandelt als Männer. Das gehört ausgesprochen und muss geändert werden“, sagte Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz am Dienstag anlässlich des Weltfrauentags (8. März).  

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Day 66: 12 May

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Day 65: 11 May

Barely old enough to drive a car and currently on the hunt for a casual job, 17-year-old Australian Torrie Lewis could easily be mistaken for just another teenager – until she steps foot on an athletics track.

Those who have watched Lewis have regularly been left in awe, with the prodigious sprinter herself even stretched for answers when it comes to her unique ability – “I don’t know, I kind of just do it,” she explains through a giggle. 

It’s not quite the response those in search of the secret to running times of 11.33 (100m), 23.38 (200m) and 53.78 (400m) at the age of 16 may be looking for, but it sums up Lewis perfectly – talented yet raw. 

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Day 64: 10 May

Í dag, 25. september, eru liðin 22 ár frá því að Vala Flosadóttir vann til bronsverðlauna á Ólympíuleikunum í Sydney. Vala varð þá þriðji Íslendingurinn til þess að vinna til verðlauna á Ólympíuleikum en það var Vilhjálmur Einarsson, silfurverðlaunahafi í þrístökki, sem varð fyrstur Íslendinga til að vinna til verðlauna á Ólympíuleikum.

Vala bætti sig þennan dag þegar hún stökk yfir 4,50 metra og setti þar með nýtt Íslands- og Norðurlandamet og bætti sinn persónulega árangur um 14 sentimetra. Hún leiddi keppnina um tíma en sú sem sigraði endaði á því að fara yfir 4,60 metra og silfurverðlaunahafinn, 4,55 metra. Þegar Vala var í eldlínunni í Sydney höfðu aldrei verið fleiri viðstaddir á einum viðburði í sögu Ólympíuleikana en alls voru 112.524 áhorfendur á leikvanginum sem var Ólympíumet.

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Day 63: 9 May

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Day 62: 8 May

Congratulations Rellie Kaputin for winning the Female Athlete of the Year award. An award that can go to any female athlete in any sport. A well-deserved award for the long jumper who made her Olympic debut during the Tokyo Olympic Games.

Team Papua New Guinea’s Kaputin performed well at the Tokyo Olympics with a jump of 6.40m. 

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Day 61: 7 May

For Megan Tapper, inspiration can be drawn from all manner of sources.

Megan Tapper at the Tokyo Olympic Games


“I am inspired by anything,” says the Olympic 100m hurdles bronze medallist with a smile. “I will see an ant walking with something on their back and I’m like, ‘wooow, look at that ant. He is so tiny, with that big rock on his back. If he can do it, I can do it too!’”

That mentality has helped the Jamaican 27-year-old to make history in the sport and, in the process, become a role model herself. With her third-place finish in Tokyo last summer, Tapper became the first Jamaican woman to ever win an Olympic 100m hurdles medal. She’s determined to keep blazing a trail.

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Day 60: 6 May

It’s a scenario Ukraine’s Yaroslava Mahuchikh could never have envisaged in her worst nightmares even a month ago but, in the midst of the horrific events in her homeland, the reigning European indoor high jump champion carries the hopes of a nation with her at the World Athletics Indoor Championships.

If she were to succeed in getting a medal in Belgrade, the significance of seeing her beleaguered nation’s flag raised would stretch far beyond the sporting arena.

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Day 59: 5 May

Παρούσα στον 39ο Μαραθώνιο της Αθήνας του Αυθεντικού η γενική γραμματέας Τουριστικής Πολιτικής και Ανάπτυξης, Ολυμπία Αναστασοπούλου και στον αγώνα των 10 χλμ μας μίλησε για τη συμμετοχή της.

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Day 58: 4 May

Barbara Jacket, a pioneer in women's track and field and the head coach of the 1992 United States women's team for the Olympic Games, died January 6, 2022 in Richmond, Texas. She was 87.

An assistant coach for the 1979 Pan American Games squad, Jacket was selected as the head coach for the U.S. women's team at the second IAAF World Championships in Rome, Italy in 1987. She also served on numerous U.S. team staffs at the junior and senior level starting in 1973.

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Day 57: 3 May

"SherunS" layihəsinin rəhbəri İradə Mehdiyeva , Fransa və Almaniya Səfirliklərinin təşkil etdiyi 2022-ci il Gender Bərabərliyi mükafatına layiq görülüb. Mükafat ölkədə ikinci dəfə keçirilir və artıq 2 illik "SherunS" layihəsinin fəaliyyətini qiymətləndirdiyi üçün təşkilatçılara, bizim əməkdaşlığımızı təmsil etdiyi üçün İradə xanıma təşəkkür edir, təbriklərə qoşulur və uğurlar diləyirik.

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Day 56: 2 May

She may have just been named the World Athlete of the Year, but back home in the US Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone enjoys a relatively anonymous lifestyle.

Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone


“Oh, I live in LA so I’m at the bottom of the pile there,” says the world 400m hurdles champion, her laugh taking nothing away from the truth of her statement. “No one is looking at me, which is honestly how I like it.”

If fame were based solely on achievement, then McLaughlin-Levrone would be an A-list celebrity. Having been one of the most prodigious talents in the sport for several years, the 400m hurdler made a smooth transition into the senior ranks and earned her first individual global medal just weeks after turning 20.

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Day 55: 1 May

European high jump bronze medallist Angelina Topic from Serbia has been named winner of the 2022 Piotr Nurowski Best Summer European Young Athlete Prize at the annual award ceremony which was held at the International Olympic Academy in Olympia, Greece.

Topic won the European U18 high jump gold medal in Jerusalem in July before making a seamless adjustment to senior competition by winning bronze at the Munich 2022 European Athletics Championships. At 17, Topic was the youngest medallist of the entire championships.

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