Day 115: 30 June

Appropriately for someone who investigates earthquakes on Mars as part of a PhD, Nienke Brinkman has had a seismic impact on the marathon event in a short space of time.


Nienke Brinkman at the European Championships


Less than a year ago, she did not even feature on World Athletics’ athlete database, having not contested a road or track race at sufficiently high level. Then, a 2:26:34 marathon in Valencia began an earth-shattering 12 months for the student at the Institute of Geophysics in Zurich, during which time she broke the Dutch record with 2:22:51 and earned bronze at the European Championships.

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Day 114: 29 June

Kenya’s world marathon record-holder Brigid Kosgei has voiced her hope to use her status and partnership with Stanbic Bank to ensure that more girls from her village have access to education.

The 28-year-old explained how she had been unable to complete her own high school education because her family could not cover the fees and she now wishes to work with Stanbic to prevent others from being in a similar situation.

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Day 113: 28 June


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Day 112: 27 June

La triplista paraguaya Ana Paula Arguello tuvo esta mañana su participación en el Mundial de Atletismo U20 que se desarrolla en la ciudad de Cali, Colombia, y alberga alrededor de 1500 atletas de todo el mundo.

Arguello tuvo un salto de 12.59 metros el cual no le permitió pasar a la siguiente ronda, “No nos llevamos la mejor parte, pero, rescatamos esta experiencia”. Ana ya pasa la pagina del mundial para enfocarse en su próximo objetivo ASU2022.

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Day 111: 26 June

Márton Anita egy Reformáció-napi iskolai rendezvényen árulta el, hogy mik a céljai atlétapályafutásának utolsó évében: a budapesti világbajnokság után új korszak kezdődik az életében.

Márton Anitát, a magyar atlétika első és eddig egyetlen világbajnokát nem készteti sportpályafutásának meghosszabbítására a párizsi olimpia kihívása, ugyanakkor egyre erősebb elhatározás munkál benne azért, hogy a jövő évi isztambuli fedettpályás Európa-bajnokságon, majd a budapesti világbajnokságon is a legszebb sikereire emlékeztető helyezéssel rukkolhasson ki. Úgy tűnik, hogy a 2023-as lesz atlétapályafutásának utolsó esztendője, annak viszont nem csupán erős motivációval, hanem az akaratát erősítő daccal készül fel.

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Day 110: 25 June

On the 8th March, it was International Women’s Day, and to celebrate, our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion advocates at UKA have spoken to several stakeholders in the sport about this year’s theme, #BreakTheBias.

Wendy Sly, Maricica Puica and Zola Budd in the 1984 Olympic 3000m final


Today we hear from Olympic silver medallist and current Non-Executive Director on the UKA Board, Wendy Sly.

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Day 109: 24 June

The annual Golden Tracks awards ceremony honours the best athletes in European but also celebrates achievements off the track and North Macedonia’s Ana Krstevska was invited to receive her Women’s Leadership Award in Lausanne on Saturday night (16) as a representative of all 23 women who were recognised as worthy winners this year.

In the seven editions of the biennial selection of Women’s Leadership Award recipients since it was inaugurated in 2009, more than 150 women from across the continent have now been given this distinction.

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Day 108: 23 June

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Day 107: 22 June

On an Autumn Wednesday of 2006, 17-year-old Lauren Boden swapped her school shoes for spikes as she made her senior Australian debut at the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne. Now, after an illustrious career spanning over 15-years – Boden is completing the circle by heading back to the classroom. 

The word ‘retirement’ can be an intimidating prospect for any athlete, but Boden’s preference to phrase the move as ‘refocusing’ provides great insight into her psychic – adamant that applying her drive and passion to teaching will fill the hole left by athletics. 

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Day 106: 21 June

Seit diesem Jahr ist Anke Rehlinger Ministerpräsidentin des Saarlandes. Vor ihrer politischen Karriere war die heute 46-Jährige lange Zeit leistungsorientiert in der Leichtathletik aktiv, nahm an Deutschen Meisterschaften teil und ist bis heute die saarländische Kugelstoß-Rekordhalterin. Im Interview mit spricht die SPD-Politikerin über ihre Leidenschaft zur Sportart, das Leichtathletik-Jahr 2022 aus deutscher Sicht, eine mögliche Bewerbung Deutschlands um die Olympischen Spiele 2036 sowie Verbesserungspotentiale in der Sportförderung von Kindern.

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Day 105: 20 June

On a hot day in the north-western region of Kenya, a group of visitors tour Kakuma, one of the world’s largest refugee camps.

Among them is an educator: Barbara Moser-Mercer. She is struck by the “wealth of capacity”, very rare first impressions from a refugee camp.

Barbara Moser-Mercer and Janeth Jepkosgei with World Athletics U20 Athlete Refugee Team athletes


Most people visiting the camp, founded in 1992, are seemingly moved by the appalling living conditions, inadequate water and sanitation and substandard housing of the over 200,000 refugees and asylum seekers. Moser-Mercer looked beyond the chaos of the displaced people and the simplicity of their ultimate cause – poverty.

“What propelled me forward was seeing refugees, just being people like you and me,” she said. "But, unfortunately, they've got that label or unfortunately, they weren't as lucky as we were to escape so they had to flee.”

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Day 104: 19 June

Cherry Alexander,
OBE and Vice President of European Athletics, talks about the benefits of volunteering during her time as Managing Director for the London 2017 World Athletics and World Para Athletics.

"It is critical that sports continue to reward and recognise the volunteers who step up 52 weeks of the year delivering training sessions and competitions. It is recognised that volunteering in life can add to your health and wellbeing and of course if you are involved in helping athletes fulfil their dreams, it’s another huge motivator to get involved."

Read more via the Empowering Women in Athletics group on Facebook

Day 103: 18 June

‘Ata Maama was born on 25 May 1997 at Ha’afeva, a small island in the Ha’apai Group in northern Tonga. Her main event has been the Shot Put.

She started her athletics career in Tailulu Primary and High School in Havelu on the main island of Tongatapu. In her first major international meet – the Mini Games in Wallis & Futuna in 2013 – ‘Ata Maama competed in the Shot Put (4th with a throw of 12.55m) and the Discus.

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Day 102: 17 June

World Athletics Inspirational Contributions by NACAC Gender Leadership Working Group members.

Donna Raynor: "A Female President in Athletics vs a Female in the Corporate World Becoming a President in Athletics and a Vice President/Manager in the corporate world, have been different journeys and different experiences. As a female some of those experiences have been good and some not so good. I never really had to overcome huge barriers or gender discrimination in the world of athletics but had huge barriers to overcome in the corporate world. Starting as a student athlete, my goal was always to give back to my country and sport once I completed university. I started as a coach but then decided the best way for me to make a change would be as a member of the Association’s administration team. Fortunately, I had no difficulty or opposition being voted on the Executive Board for my federation."

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Day 101: 16 June

Nuestra compatriota y actual recordista nacional en salto triple Ana Paula Arguello se estará presentando en el Mundial de Atletismo U20 que se realiza en Cali, Colombia, este viernes a partir de las 10:30 hs de nuestro país.

Tuvimos la oportunidad de charlar con Ana Paula sobre cómo fue su preparación para este mundial y como se siente para la competencia, “Me siento bastante bien, ya probamos la pista ya entrenamos en ella, me toca competir el viernes así que cada vez falta menos. La preparación que tuve para el mundial fue buena, es uno de los procesos que tenemos, ya que la prioridad es Asu 2022 que será en casa.”

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Day 100: 15 June

Katie Nageotte and Holly Bradshaw have been named winners of the International Fair Play Committee’s (CIFP) Fair Play Award as part of the World Athletics Awards 2022.

Fair Play Award winners Holly Bradshaw and Katie Nageotte


Traditionally the Fair Play Award recognises moments that happen during competition, but this time the honour highlights an act that went beyond the field of play.

In Oregon, Bradshaw injured herself after her pole snapped during the pole vault warm-up session. Her fellow competitor Nageotte immediately went over to support her. Knowing she would no longer be able to contend for a place in the final, Bradshaw withdrew from the competition, thus allowing another athlete to advance. Bradshaw received a lot of abuse on social media for withdrawing, but Nageotte again offered support by taking to Twitter in defence of her competitor.

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Day 99: 14 June

Disappointment makes you better and stronger – said Elaine Thompson-Herah, the first woman athlete who received the Dr. Spiriev Bojidar Trophy for the best performance at the Gyulai Istvan Memorial – Hungarian Athletics Grand Prix.

Who could be a more inspiring woman on International Women’s Day than Elaine who could capture gold medal in both the 100 and 200 metres at consecutive Olympics after rebuilding herself from an injury successfully?

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Day 98: 13 June

Dvojnásobná mistryně světa a bronzová olympijská medailistka v běhu na 400 metrů překážek Zuzana Hejnová se rozhodla pro ukončení atletické kariéry. S přítelem Markem čekají potomka.

Zuzana Hejnová patřila k beze sporu k nejúspěšnějším českým atletům poslední dekády. Nyní se však rozhodla, že započne novou etapu života. Důvody jsou přitom radostné. „Ráda bych se s vámi podělila o skvělou novinu. S přítelem Markem čekáme miminko. Už by to šlo těžko skrývat, tak jdeme s pravdou ven. Mám za sebou skvělou kariéru a ze srdce děkuji všem, kteří mě podporovali a podporují. Teď se těším na novou roli. Všechno probíhá dobře, jen mi roste břicho a nevejdu se do džín,“ vzkazuje s úsměvem na rtech.

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Day 97: 12 June

Grief in our hearts, we announce the demise of our beloved Lydia de Vega-Mercado, Philippine sports legend and Asia’s Sprint Queen, in the 1980s on Wednesday, 10th August 2022.

Lydia de Vega was dubbed as Asia’s fastest woman and a two-time gold medalist in the Asian Games, besides several other Southeast Asian Games in which she competed. She was a legend who brought much honour to the Philippines and Asia and would be remembered for her achievements and contribution.

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Day 96: 11 June

Athletics Australia is pleased to announce the appointment of Samantha Culbert into the newly created role of Group General Manager, Delivery & Partnerships.

Familiar to many within the Australian athletics community, Samantha will make her return to Athletics Australia playing an integral role within the leadership team, with a focus on supporting and leading AA’s high-performing sport delivery, commercial, marketing and communications teams.

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Day 95: 10 June

Η Βασιλική Χαϊτίδου είναι από τα νέα πρόσωπα στο χώρο του ελληνικού στίβου.

Το 2022 κατάφερε να κάνει μια σεζόν με θετικό πρόσημο δεδομένο του ότι προκρίθηκε στο Ευρωπαϊκό Πρωτάθλημα του Μονάχου, ενώ συμμετείχε και στους Μεσογειακούς Αγώνες του Οράν. Η αθλήτρια του Νίκου Στυλιανίδη προετοιμάζεται ήδη για τους αγώνες του 2023 θέτοντας ως βασικό στόχο να ξεπερνάει διαρκώς τον εαυτό της και να διεκδικεί την πρόκριση στις κορυφαίες διοργανώσεις της χρονιάς.

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Day 94: 9 June

Italy has had its fair share of success over the years in jumps, race walks, endurance and sprints, but in 2022 it was the women’s hammer that emerged as the country’s leading athletics discipline.

Italian hammer throwers Sara Fantini and Rachele Mori


Thanks to Sara Fantini and Rachele Mori, it was the only event in which Italy won major championship medals at both the senior and U20 level in 2022.

Fantini earned bronze at the European Championships in Munich, following on from a fourth-placed finish at the World Athletics Championships Oregon22, while Mori won gold at the World Athletics U20 Championships Cali 22.

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Day 93: 8 June


Day 92: 7 June

A rúdugró Garamvölgyi Petra az U20-as évei alatt megdöntötte a korosztály hazai rekordját és két világbajnokságon is járt, jövőre pedig már az U23-asok között bizonyíthat.

Tavaly 420 centiméterre javította rúdugrásban az U20-as lányok országos csúcsát, az idén „csupán” 411 centiig jutott, ezért az elmúlt hónapokat kissé kritikusan látja a PVSK kiválósága, Garamvölgyi Petra.

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Day 91: 6 June

Two Olympic golds, one American 800m record, six NCAA Division I records, one Olympic Trials title, and three NCAA crowns – each notched on her belt before the age of 20.

Even further, Athing Mu accomplished all of this in her dominant 2021 track season alone, becoming one of the most revered collegiate, domestic, and international half-mile runners of all time in just one year. 

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Day 90: 5 June

Laine Erik-Kallas, kes võistles kahtedel olümpiamängudel 800m jooksus tähistab täna, 21.aprillil oma 80. sünnipäeva.

Ta on olnud meie edukamaid naisjooksjaid, saavutades 1964.a. Tokyo Olümpiamängudel 800m jooksus 6.koha, 1968.a. Mehhiko Olümpiamängudel 9.koha, püstitas karjääri jooksul rohkelt Eesti rekordeid ja võitis 26 Eesti meistritiitlit.

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Day 89: 4 June

Lacena Golding-Clarke is the third guest of the World Athletics Championships coach series of the gender leadership podcast.

Jamaican sprint hurdler Lacena Golding-Clark

Golding-Clarke is a former sprint hurdler who represented Jamaica at three Olympic Games, five World Championships and multiple Commonwealth Games, notably winning 100m hurdles gold in Manchester in 2002.

She retired in 2010 after reaching her sixth consecutive 60m hurdles final at the World Indoor Championships and more recently is known as the coach of world 100m hurdles record-holder Tobi Amusan, who won the world title in Oregon in a wind-assisted 12.06 after breaking the world record with 12.12 in the semifinals.

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Day 88: 3 June

Der Stabhochsprung stand seit ihrer Jugend im Mittelpunkt des Lebens von Anjuli Knäsche. Der große Durchbruch blieb aber trotz aller Bemühungen aus. Statt selbstbestimmt durch den Alltag zu gehen, übernahm der Sport bei ihr schleichend mehr und mehr die Kontrolle. Ein Beispiel: Stand Technik auf dem Trainingsplan, absolvierte die gebürtige Schleswig-Holsteinerin diese Einheit, obwohl sie merkte, dass sie die Anlage mit mehr statt weniger Unsicherheit verlassen würde. Der Sport war schließlich auch ihr Job. Mangels Ablenkung, da sie an einer Fernuni studierte, kreisten negative Gedanken lange durch den Kopf. Innerlich leer und ohne einen Einsatz in der A-Nationalmannschaft erklärte die Athletin ihre Karriere im Januar 2019 im Alter von 25 Jahren für beendet.

Es folgte eine Findungsphase.

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Day 87: 2 June

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Day 86: 1 June

Hearing her name sound over the school’s PA system as a 12-year-old, Olivia Rose Inkster walked nervously to the office where she was informed of her Mum’s breast cancer diagnosis. The nerves still tremble as Inkster’s name rings around stadiums over the world, but the 17-year-old now runs confidently with her biggest fan behind every stride.

The Pymble teenager is impressive. Undeniably talented yet equally raw, Inkster radiates potential that suggests her current bests of 11.70 and 23.82 are on borrowed time. Reflecting on her international debut at the 2022 World Under 20 Championships in Cali, the 17-year-old reels off a clinical answer about sacrifice and hard work – only she is not talking about herself.

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