News21 Dec 2023

First Race Emergency Medicine Course in China


Participants who serve as Medical Directors for Label Road Races in China.

In a groundbreaking initiative, the first Race Emergency Medicine Course (REMC) in China unfolded successfully from November 25th to 26th, 2023, in the city of Shanghai. This milestone event, organized in collaboration with the Chinese Athletics Association (CAA) and Shanghai Marathon, brought together medical teams from 28 World Athletics Label Road Races across China.

Conducted by renowned experts in the field, Stephane Bermon, Director of the World Athletics Health and Science Department, and Frederic Garrandes, Scientific Project Manager of the same department, the two-day training aimed to equip healthcare professionals with the necessary skills to provide top-notch medical leadership at mass-participation endurance events.

Following validation of the theoretical medical content on the e-learning platform, the comprehensive training schedule began on November 25th with indoor sessions featuring lectures and skill-building activities. Participants delved into standardized medical concepts, procedures, and protocols in race medicine, gaining valuable insights into ensuring the well-being of athletes.

The following day, on November 26th, the course took a hands-on approach as participants ventured to the finish area of the Shanghai Marathon for on-site observation and practical exercises. This real-world application allowed medical teams to refine their emergency response capabilities in a dynamic and challenging environment. This visit to the finish area was also an opportunity for the representatives of the Health & Science department to appreciate the high level of medical planning and the judicious management of the large flow of runners crossing the finish line.

Dr. Hongyun Ma, the Chief Medical Officer of the 2023 Shanghai Marathon and a key member of the Road Running Committee of the Chinese Athletics Association, shared insights on competition and medical planning. Despite advancements in digital emergency tools, he acknowledged challenges due to some medical personnel's limited marathon experience. Dr. Hongyun Ma emphasized the need for strengthened courses and training for long-term improvement.

Impressed by the REMC's success, he recommends comprehensive training for all competition events’ medical security team members. This includes medical officers, specialist doctors, EMTs, nurses, volunteers, referees, and security personnel. He sees these initiatives as vital for enhancing cognition, ideas, practical abilities, and standardizing behavior among Chinese healthcare professionals.

Looking ahead, the success of this REMC has set the stage for future activities. The next training session is scheduled to coincide with the Xiamen Marathon on 7th January 2024, reinforcing the commitment to advancing medical emergency preparedness in the realm of road-running events.

Fostering a collaborative spirit, the World Academy for Endurance Medicine (powered by World Athletics) plans to work closely with the Chinese Athletics Association for additional training initiatives and cooperative efforts in the field of Race Emergency Medicine. This ongoing partnership seeks to elevate the standards of safety and care in road running events across China and to ensure that the World Academy for Endurance Medicine is firmly established in China, a major player in mass-participation endurance events.